Monday, September 23, 2013

OH my goodness who is cooking? That smells so yummy!

Top- Talulah Sounds of Time Tee
Bottom- Kuku Floral Paradise Dress

Sorry that I have been M.I.A the last 2 weeks or so... I have been buried under a large pile of textbooks, assignments and stress. All of that hectic uni stuff has passed for a little while now and I have time to share with you some exciting news!

I will be collaborating with the lovely ladies from Coco & Amy Boutique!


This past weekend I undertook a large task. I am no model, nor have I ever done anything that could even be remotely referred to as modeling, but the girls from Coco & Amy believed I could do it so I gave it a shot.

I spent a lovely afternoon at Sanctuary Cove with my talented photographer and a beautiful wardrobe. I also dragged my ever supportive boy along for emotional support... for example when I was mid shoot and shouted loudly "OH my goodness who is cooking? That smells so yummy!" only to realise that that a 'real' model wouldn't do that HAHA. I guess I'll never be Cara... oh well!

I am so excited to get the photos back, but in the mean time here is a little sneak peek into the collaboration between Coco & Amy Boutique and Sugar Style Blogger.

Lucy xx

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